in the King’s NAME by the King’s SEAL (Esther 8:8)
First Edition
APRIL 2013
in the King’s NAME by the King’s SEAL (Esther 8:8)
Royal Dinner…
be purchased does not translate to being sold-out. A purchasing power transfers
ownership but a selling-out power relocates possession. Can you picture
yourself being the owner of a thing but not in possession? That’s exactly the
position God is now, after purchasing us from eternal damnation by the blood,
thus, becoming our rightful owner, yet, we make him regret purchasing us when we
live out of the ‘possession’ of his will. Will you please join me in this
prayer before we move on: “O Father, I
acknowledge that I was purchased from the consequences of my iniquities and
that of four generation preceding me. Father, I want to intentionally apologise
for not been within the ‘possession’ of your will some days I have lived behind
and briefly staying in your possession for the other days I have lived. Here I
am Lord, relocating the totality of my vessel into the entirety of your
possession, let your will be done in my life from now on, nothing more, nothing
less, nothing else, at all cost in Jesus name I pray. AMEN!”
Did you feel what I just felt? a rousing of the mind in peace and burden. Just
hold on to that burden and ride on it to the place of prayers, you will be
surprised at where you shall arrive.
are grateful to God who has once again showered on us an unmerited grace in
terms of resources, spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially in
inaugurating “SHUSHAN THE PALACE”, another residence of spirits who are bound
for the Kingdom of Heaven and bound by the Kingdom of God. We therefore say a
big THANK-YOU for believing God in us with this vision, we pray for grace to
always surpass your expectations in this journey of inspired writings.
this first edition, we have ISOLA OYEBAMIJI TAIWO from University of Maiduguri
unleashing God’s mind in a novel dimension, POPOOLA HANNAH and FARAYOLA
IBUKUNOLUWA from Obafemi Awolowo University delivering the heart-beat of God
for the female generation, both now and future. Their fruits of thought is
truly enriching. Sisters! Don’t miss out on them. And finally our ‘River of
Ulai’ from the Ministering Spirit Outreach, packaged by God to inflict a heavy
and unchangeable awareness that the END is nearer to us than our clothes to our
body. It’s the ‘extra-time’ of grace.
next edition when we bring you another irreversible mind of the King (GOD) in
his NAME (JESUS) by his SEAL (HOLY-SPIRIT), engage the spirit in you and you
will get engaged to the understanding of God. (Job 328). LOVE!
‘Imisi-Oluwa’ SONUGA.
in the King’s NAME by the King’s SEAL (Esther 8:8)
"A voice is heard in Ramah, Lamentations and great
mourning, Rachael weeping for her children, for they are no more!"
mighty Destiny, I lament your death,
weep bitterly for you,
are you aborted so quickly!
stream down my face as I behold your execution,
glory is about to depart,
be punctured by sexuality.
the transition of your termination,
lonely moment when nature seems quiet,
raging emotions are set loose,
your nakedness is exposed.
Destiny, I lament for you,
determinant has encroached your sanctuary,
were undiscerning when the adversary sneaked in,
plucked your future hope.
future honour dashed away,
a little touch, a careless hug, a little kiss and ungodly look,
glory unravelled between your thigh,
just in a flash, your miscarriage is sealed!
lament for you, generations yet unborn lament for you!
hope you sold,
years later you will search again with bitter tears,
Alas... Alas... Alas...!
only wish you TAKE HEED to your own lest you stumble, tumble & miss it...
in the King’s NAME by the King’s SEAL (Esther 8:8)
Have you noticed a
woman of virtue and valor that made impact in her generation? There hasn't been
anyone before her and none after her. She was a glory to human race and to her
generation. She was a pride of every woman. Guess who? DEBORAH the wife of Lappidoth.
Deborah was a mighty and manly woman in her generation who led an army of
soldiers and warriors into conquering the enemies. She was a strong woman of
faith used by God in delivering the Israelites from death. She was so close to
God that HE found a vessel He could use in her.
She was called a wife i.e.
she was a virtuous woman worthy of being called a wife and through her, her
husband’s name was known in the bible. She didn't fail in her responsibilities
as a mother in taking care of her children as none of her children was heard in
a negative way. She was a prophet, she knew the mind of the Lord for her people
always, she was wise, and she had the wisdom of God which is Jesus in
understanding time and season. She understood the right time for her manifestation
and she was sensitive to everything around her. Through her wisdom, she became
a consultant (Judge) and everyone both kings and commoners came to contact her
for Gods counsel.
She had a position, she
is not just anywhere the Israelites knew where to find her and she had her
boundary i.e. she had a place she could go and not go. A lot of women do not
have boundaries, they would be found every here and there doing unnecessary
things. It is very important for women to be disciplined because a disciplined
life is destined for greatness. Deborah can never be found outside her God
given territory, in fact a tree was named after her where she could be found.
Many women are known for gossip and irrelevant gisting at the wrong time.
Deborah possesses all the qualities a virtuous woman possesses and indeed her
price was more than rubies. Am sure her husband and children called her
blessed. Every woman should strive to be like her as she made a positive impact
to human race and was of good significance to her generation. Today I ask you,
are you a Deborah of your generation or a Delilah of your time?
in the King’s NAME by the King’s SEAL (Esther 8:8)
like an average girl going up in this era, it is no news that young ladies like
you and I are in a jungle of confused values where many people just rise up to
do what they think is right in their own eyes. There are so many contradictory
voices beckoning on the young woman from the home, school, church, media and
street to model after them.
grew up looking around for whom to pattern my life after. I met different kinds
of women and in my own imagination, I made moves to want to be like them.
Starting with my mum, I wore her high heeled shoes, her dresses and posed
before the mirror in admiration of myself. Then when visiting another woman’s
house, a member of the extended family, I wished to be like her, so I painted
my face and finger nails like hers.
a young lady searching for love and identity in the wrong places were my
pre-occupation even in the school. I felt rejected by many who felt I was too
short, too young, too poor or worse still too ugly to be identifies with. It is
quite a painful and shameful experience to be treated as nobody. I was taught
the music and the dance steps of the disco-halls including how to get a
boyfriend in order to be accepted. I succumbed to some weird training behind
doors from my peers and strange women. Those who felt I was too ugly taught me
how to wear more revealing and sexy clothe, dance to some sexy music and even use
some beauty aids all in a bid to attract the attention of boys to myself. I
desperately wanted to be chosen by men around to prove my worth and popularity.
My life was virtually a bundle of confusion and this was actually a search for
an authentic identity. The experience of growing up as a ‘nobody’ was very
depressing and nobody likes it. Do you?
quest continued until I encountered the MAN that ‘made me’. You need a more
intelligent designer to make you something special. Until I met this man, I was
“like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a
beautiful woman who shows no discretion” (Prov. 11:22)
gain can one desire from a life of sin and decay? It is suicidal and a very
unfortunate experience to a jewel to be wasted in such a trap. I want to indeed
tell you that God can indeed fashion and unveil a new breed of graceful,
courageous and truly beautiful woman out of you – the jewel.
woman, your desire to conform to the patterns of womanhood you see around, just
to be like others in order to be accepted will prevent you from being
transformed into that woman who will fit into God’s purpose. If you refuse to
be made by him, then you become nothing – John 1:3
Culled by:
From: The
True Daughters of Sarah: Ekaete Ettang
in the King’s NAME by the King’s SEAL (Esther 8:8)
Indeed, Every Destiny has a syllabus!
I write this article
purposely to identify myself with the "torn in the flesh" of a dearly
beloved brother. I understand that it is difficult to be everybody's hero when
you are hemorrhaging to death under a certain experience because there is a
torn embedded in your flesh.
Destiny has syllabuses,
and if it has syllabuses, then it must have specifications and exceptions.
Samson's mother was given the syllabus of his destiny. But somehow, he ignored
it and failed successfully. Your destiny also has its syllabus. The only recipe
for disaster in destiny is to adopt another man's scheme of work because it
appears simple.
The syllabus exposes
each of us to varying experiences that train us and make us fit for
There some lessons in
the syllabus that are rough and tough, and some are sweet and interesting. Most
often, we think someone else syllabus is better than ours and we begin to copy
theirs. To such people, I say "When you run your destiny by another man's
speedometer, you will crash by his errors"
Wait on God for
strength and understanding of your own syllabus, then abide faithfully. The
sail may be rough, the journey may be challenging and stress may be the trade
mark, but like the angel revealed to Paul "... nonetheless you must run
aground on some island!"
Brethren, be of good
courage. The joy of abiding transcends the struggles. Abide under the
disciplines of your destiny syllabus. And you will come out a sanctified
vessel, prepared, fit and kept for the master's use.
Remain Blessed.
in the King’s NAME by the King’s SEAL (Esther 8:8)
…By the RIVER of ULAI…
Rapture looms as U.S. sets to fulfill revelation
“Start Now To
Tell Your People in America Not to Take Any Mark in Their Right Hand or
their hands fastened to their loins, many are asking: “is this a mere coincidence?” Nay!
Yet but a couple of weeks and the Obama Health Care Law will take off.
A rather strange and satanic exercise
is due to take off in the United
States in March, 2013. This is the month
when, as contained in a law signed by President Obama on Tuesday 5th March
2012, Americans must start to take in their right hand or forehead a dark-square
sign referred to as RFID microchip.
But, ask, why a provision of law
merely compelling the implantation of a chip underneath the skin of the right
hand or forehead should arouse so much tension and outcry in a secular nation
as the U.S. where abortion and such abominations are legal, and Christian
fundamentalists will direct you to the Christian scripture where RFID microchip
clashes head long with an age long prophecy for the End-Times. So I make bold
to ask again: ‘is this a mere
coincidence?’ Again I say Nay!
anyone… receives a mark on his forehand or on his hand, he also shall drink the
wine of God’s wrath, poured unmixed into the cup of His anger, and he shall be
tormented with fire and sulphur in the presence of the lamb. And the smoke of
their torment goes up for ever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night…” Revelation 14:9-11
certain product is causing all the noise in the U.S. at present. It is a microchip,
just the size of a grain of rice. It measures 7mm and 0.075mm – Imagine that! The product, the subject
of a Health Care Act of the U.S. senate, is surgically implanted below the skin
of either the human forehead or the right hand. In either of the places, once
implanted, it cannot be removed! If it is removed by surgery, the small capsule
will burst and the individual will be contaminated by lithium chemical in the
micro-bacteria. The global position system (general
operating power house) will also reflect if it was removed, and will alert
the authorities. Myriads of privileges are said to accrue to the carrier of
this object, and all these revolve around commercial, economic, political and
legal rights and capacities in a cash less society.
The main purpose of the microchip is to
herald a cashless society. And once a cashless society is in order, commerce is
fast tracked. The chip as well bears on political functions and rights. But
critics have asked: ‘say, if an American
refuses the chip, what happens?’ And the U.S. government replies: ‘without the chip, you can neither buy nor
sell, nor get access to health care facilities. You cannot drive your car on
federal highways, should you manage to get one without the chip, you cannot
vote or be voted for without the chip, you are not an American and you are
violating a law. So, without the chip, you are an offender!’
it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave to
be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell
unless he has the mark…” Revelation 13:16-17.
But instead of starting a civil
unrest, citizens with religious objections averse to the chip exercise are
imploring government to embed the chip in a card, and religious objections
would vanish. However, product manufacturers said they encountered a brick
wall. Should the chip be in a card, they will encounter serious problems. The
chip could be cut and information would be changed or falsified. The value
could be manipulated or stolen and all these will spell doom in the general
market. There is only one solution found for this problem, and that is by
implanting it into the human body – The
Head, underneath the scalp, and the backside of the hand, specifically – The Right Hand. That is why it
unavoidably must have to clash with that age long prophecy, the victims of
which are said to have successfully secured a place in the lake of fire that
burns with brimstones! Since the prophecy about a chip in the right hand or
forehead is fulfilled, then logic tells you there must also be a lake of fire
called HELL. What does it matter, is
that anything to you?
U.S. Celebrities with chips in their
foreheads or right hands are frolicking North and South, singing:
Go go go, why must you be a
nuisance? Get your chip and be a cool, cool American!
must then be crazy if you think
people are crazy when they file out in a few days’ time for a minor surgery (some say initiation) to get implanted
into their body an object that amounts to a lifetime in a mysteriously changing
world – RFID Microchip. Just watch, and
pray if you can as yet another vision is fulfilled upon America as the
microchip law gets underway - the destruction of the U.S. by Iranian nuclear
Can anyone hold back the hand of
prophecy or, can God’s word become void? Then why must you stand, gapping?
Salvage what you can, and in doing that, take a leaf from Father Abraham: his
influence salvaged Lot out of Sodom.
Start Now To Tell Your People in America Not to
Take Any Mark in Their Right Hand or Forehead. Warn them to monetize their
assets and send them home as they flee out of U.S. before that dreadful vision of
destruction comes real.
All these end time events indicate one
thing – that the RAPTURE OF THE SAINTS is
at hand, and that is the single event that ushers in all the rest of it, summed
up in one dreadful caption – THE GREAT
TRIBULATION. Once a person misses the rapture, he thereby rejects the
redemptive sacrifice of Christ at Calvary or has simply not taken the benefit
of it, and he will have to slug it out with Satan’s beast, if he will not
perish in that Lake of fire, same as Adulterers,
Lovers of pleasures, Fornicators, Liars,
Robbers, Riggers, Disobedient and the likes. Such a person must reject it
in any guise it be branded, any mark in the right hand or in the forehead. For
as God seals His own people on their forehead to distinguish them, so Satan’s
beast – the coming world ruler - marks his people in their right hand or forehead
in order to get a clear cut view of those ready to snatch eternity with Christ,
and destroy them or prevent them. It is the sum of this matter that Christ
referred to as The Great Tribulation.
During the tribulation, life will
become meaningless and hard. Nothing will remain as it had ever been. There
would be such discomforting heat that men would curse God – Oh my God! Natural disasters will be at
record high that the heart of many will melt away at mere sight of what then
occurs. Listen to Jesus Christ:
“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth
distress of nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men
fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming upon the world; for
the power of the heavens will be shaken” – Luke 21: 23-26
Isn’t it natural? A man will pay
dearly for the neglect to repair a little tear, and one who misses his chance
is like a monkey that misses his footing, he will not be spared! So if in a
period of grace and peace as this you cannot serve God with your whole being,
whither comes your stamina to stand at such a dreadful time as comes? Then one
bitter conclusion is playing out here… you
could miss the rapture and …. You might not be able to withstand the sweeping
wind of deception that would be blowing after rapture and then …. You could get
the mark of the Beast - 666. Decide your fate! Listen again:
then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning
of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been
shortened, no human being would be saved…”
– Jesus Christ, Mathew 24: 2-22
a description of those days by Jesus Christ.
“… If those days had not been shortened, no
human being would be saved….”
has so planned it that during this period of Satanic orgy His seven bowls of
wrath will be poured out on earth – and everyone will empty them to the
dregs. It will be such that a third of
mankind will die by pestilence, sword, famine, and the likes. Great earthquakes
will swallow up as much as a whole country at once and the sun will hang loose
from its socket, becoming so fierce that every green tree will wither men will
seek death and not find one.
“So the
first angel went and poured his bowl on the earth, and foul and evil sores came
upon the men who bore the mark of the beast and worshipped its image. The
second angel poured his bowl into the sea, and it became like the blood of a
dead man, and every living thing died that was in the sea. The third angel poured
his bowl into the rivers and the fountains of water, and they became blood…”
Revelation 16:2-20
Need I remind you that the Chinese sea
has already turned blood? It is at such time that you get to realize that those
chronic S.U have not wasted their time living for God in holiness. They have
not set their value on such things as you have – degrees, beauty, sex,
enjoyment, partying, blackberries, fashion show and the likes. And you will be
faced with two options – to reject a mark in your right hand or forehead in
whatever guise it may come and Never Bow
To Any Image. For this and
everything you will be beheaded. Failure thereby confirms your allegiance to
Satan and rebellion to God.
I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I
saw the Souls of them that were be headed for the witness of Jesus, and for the
word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither had received his
mark upon their foreheads, or in their right hand; and they lived and reigned
with Christ a thousand years.” Revelation
And come to think of it, it is never
too late to make rapture. But you must retrace your step. Jesus Himself prophesied that many who are last shall become first,
implying that some already standing in
the Christian faith will backslide, to be replaced by others who, by some
chance get to realize there is much to the sky than just clouds.
the steps as outlined below:
A – Acknowledge
and confess your sins to God. Ask him to forgive you and cleanse you with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Make restitution as possible as it may be.
B – Receive
and confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
C – Be
baptized in water – Ministering Spirit outreach offers you this service –
D – Join in eating the Holy Communion
E – Pray
and fast always. Read and meditate on the scripture daily.
F – You
must always preach Christ daily to people. No one makes rapture if he does not
witness Christ to others. Be warned!
G – Ask
for the Baptism of the Holy Ghost to be equipped with power for end time
exploit and to withstand the temptations and attack of the devil.
H – Fast
and pray always. Intercede for others
I – Remove
worldly and marine articles far from you. Objects such as chains, attachment,
weavons, armbands, worldly clothes and fashion.
J - Always attend church services. The fellowship
with the Brethren and the Lamb cleanses you continuously from unknown sins. Amen.
“we noticed that the frequency of
the chip had a great effect upon behaviour and so we began to branch off and
look possibly at behaviour modification”. - Dr. Carl W.
Sanders – designer of the microchip
“…one of the projects was called
the phoenix project which had to do with Vietnam Veterans. This chip would actually cause
extra-adrenaline flow. I was in one meeting where it was discussed: ‘how can
you control a people if you cannot identify them?’
Dr Carl Sanders – designer of the microchip
M.A.R.C of
the B.E.A.S.T
M.A.R.C. – Multi – Area Readout chip
B.E.A.S.T – Battle Engine Area Simulation Technology
(CNN) Wednesday March 6, 1996: Twelve years old Prince William
of Wales of Future King of Great Britain was one of the first human recipients
ever to be implanted with a computer microchip placed just underneath the skin
of his right hand. Sources say this was done as a precautionary measure in the
instance he were ever kidnapped, a signal would be sent to an earth orbiting
satellite and then relayed back to Scotland
yard and special British security forces.
“no one will enter the new world
order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter
the new age unless he takes a luciferi an initiation”
David Spangler, Director of planetary initiation, United Nations.
Spirit Outreach
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