A 340 year-old-letter to a Freshman

340 year-old Letter to a Harvard Fresher (Adapted to Great Ife)
 Thomas Shepard was a minister Cambrigde, Massachusetts, in 1672, when his sixteen-year-old son was accepted into Harvard-University. In this letter Shepard advises his son…

Advice on Attending Obafemi Awolowo University,
By Thomas Shepard

Dear Son,
I think meet (partly from the advice of your renowned Grandfather to myself at my admission into the college and partly from some other observations. I have had respecting studies in that society) to leave the remembrance ad advice following you…that so they….may abide upon your heart when I shall be(and that am be sooner than you are aware) taken form thee, and speak no more: requiring you frequently to read over, and seriously to ponder, and digest, as also conscientiously to put in practice the same through the Lord’s Assistance:
I.            Remember the end of your life, which is coming back again to God, and Fellowship with God; for as your great misery is your separation and estrangement from him, so your happiness or last end, is your return again to him
II.            Remember, the end of this turn of your life, viszt, your coming into college, it is fit you for the most glorious at work, which God can call you to, viszt…for this your father has set you apart with many tears, and hath given you unto God, that he may accept of you; and that he would delight in you.
III.            Remember therefore that God looked for ad calls for much holiness form you; I’d rather see you Buried u your grave, than grow light, loose, wanton or profane. God’s Secrets in the holy scriptures, which are left to instruct Ministers, are never made known to common and profane spirits; and therefore be sure you begin, and end everyday wherein you study with scriptures daily’ and setting apart some time every day(tho’ but one quarter(of a hour) for meditation of the things of God.
IV.            Remember therefore, that tho’ you have spent your time in the vanity of Childhood; sports and mirth, little minding better things, yet that now, when come to this ripeness of admission to the college, that now God and Man expects you should put away childish things; now is the time come, wherein you are to be serious, ad learn sobriety, and wisdom in all your ways which concern God and Man.
V.            Remember that these times and days of much Light and Knowledge and that therefore you had as good be no scholar as not excel in Knowledge and learning. Abhor therefore one hour of idleness as you would be ashamed of one hour of drunkenness: Look that you loose not your precocious time by falling in with idle companions, or by growing weary of your studies or by love of any filthy lust; or by discouragement of heart that you shall never attain to any Excellency of Knowledge, or by thinking too well of your  self, that you have got as much as is needful for you, when you have got as much as your equals in the same year…
VI.            Remember that in ordering your studies you make them pleasant as may be, and as fruitful as possibly you are able, that so you may not be weary in the work sets you about: and for this End remember these rules, viszt
a)      Single out two or three scholars most Godly, Learned and studious, ad whom you can most love and who love you best, to be helps to you in your studies: Get therefore into the acquaintance of some of your equals, to spend some time with them often in discoursing and disputing about the things you hear and read and learn; Also grow acquainted with some that are your Superiors, of whom you may often ask questions and from whom you may learn more than your equals only
b)      Mark every mans disputation and conferences and study to get some Good by everything: and if your memory be not very strong, commit every notion this way gained unto paper as soon as you get into your study.
c)      Let your studies be so ordered as to have variety of studies before you, that when you are weary of one book, you may take pleasure(through this variety) in another; and for this End read some Histories often, which(they say) make men wise, as Poets make witty; both which are pleasant things in the midst of more difficult studies.
d)      Let not your studies be prosecuted in an immethodical or disorderly way; but (for the generality) keep a  fixed order of studies suited to your own Genius, and circumstances of things, which in each year, at least, notwithstanding there will be occasion of some-variation of :Fix course, and the season for each kind of study, and suffer no other matters, or persons needlessly to interrupt you, or take off there from.
e)      Let difficult studies have the strength and flower of your time and thoughts; and therein suffer no difficulty to pass unresolved, but either by your own labor, or by enquiry of others, or both, master it before you pass from it.
f)       Come to your studies with an appetite, and weary not your body, mind, or eyes with long poring on your book, but break off & meditate on what you have read, and even then to it again…
g)      Such books, as it is proper to read over, if there are very choice and not overlarge, read them over softener than once; if it be not your own and that you are ot like to procure it, then collect out of such book that which  is worthy to be noted therein: in which collections take these directions (i) write not in loose papers, but in a  fair Paper-book paged thro’out (2) Write Faithfully the words of your Author (3) Set down in your paper-book the name of your Author, with the title of his book, and the page, where you find your collection….Read over your paper books, wherein you have written your collections at large, the frequent perusal thereof will many ways be useful to you as your experience will in time witness.
h)      Choose rather to confess your ignorance in any matter of learning, that you may [be] instructed by your tutor,…than to pass from it, and so continue in your ignorance thereof….
i)        Suffer not too much to be spent…visiting…let them be such as may be a whet to you in your studies, and for your profit in learning…
j)        Be sparing in your diet as to meat and drink, that so after any repast your body maybe a servant to your mind, and not a clog and burden.
k)      ….Mind that reading without meditation will be in a great measure unprofitable, and rawness and forgetfulness will be the event: but mediation without reading will be barren soon, therefore read much that so you may have plenty of matter for mediation to work upon….
VII.            Remember that not only heavenly and spiritual and supernatural knowledge descends from God, but also all natural, and humane learning, and abilities; and therefore pray much, not only for one but also for other from the Father of lights, and mercies; and remember that prayer…for all learning you want, shall fetch you in more in an hour, that possibly you may get by al books, and helps you have otherwise in many years
VIII.            Remember to be brave (not childish) and amiable and loving toward all the scholars, that you may win their hearts and honour.
IX.            Remember not to be watchful against the two great sins of many scholars; the first is youthful lusts, Speculative wantonness, and secret filthiness, which God sees in the dark, and for which God hardens and blinds young men’s hearts, his holy spirit departing from such, unclean styles. The Second is Malignancy and secret distaste of Holiness and the Power of Godliness, and the Professors of it, both these sins you will quickly fall into, unto you won perdition, if you be not careful of your own company, for these are and will be such in every scholastic society for most part, as will teach you how to be filthy and how to jest, and scorn at Godliness, and the Professors thereof, whose company I charge you to fly from the Devil…
X.            Remember to intreat God with tears before you come to hear any sermon, that thereby God would powerfully speak to your heart, and make his truth precious to you: neglect not to write after the Preacher always, and write not in loose sheets but in handsome paper-books; and be careful to preserve and peruse the same….
XI.            ….If therefore God revealeth any truth to you at any time, be sure you be humbly and deeply and be humble: the first degree of wisdom is to know and feel your own folly…Consider what I say and the Lord give thee understanding of all things…
My son, if thine hearts be wise, my heart shall rejoice….T. Shepard

Source: Articles fromm Bibliobase edited by Michael A. Bellesiles. Copyright ©1998
Houghton Miffin Company. All Rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.
Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2003. ©1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


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